October 12 • 9-11am
Union Grove One-Room School House
October 12th – ACHS is warming up for two weeks of free student experience days at the Union Grove One-Room School next Spring with a warm-up party on Saturday, October 12, from 9 AM to 11 AM at the school house across the road from Union Grove Campground, just north of 1812 Brewery on Mason Road. If you are a parent, caretaker or organizer of a local group with children in the 3rd or 4th grade, please call 301-777-8678 to reserve space. They day’s free-of-charge experience is limited to 20 children, with space awarded on first come first served basis. This program is made possible by grants from the Community Trust Foundation and the DelFest Foundation. If you are an interested educator with a class that might attend next Spring, an interested parent, or a potential volunteer, please feel free to attend and see our enjoyable program!