Western Maryland history is rich with events in which citizens stepped forward with small gifts to achieve common goals. With the 1845 Canada Hose House purchase complete, your Historical Society is opening this on-line donation portal to invite on-line contributions that will assist in the start-up costs of the Fire House renovation up through the reopening of the carriage doors.
This Founders Fund’s is being specifically earmarked for renovation and restoration needed to return the Canada Hose House to city code compliance, safe operation of electrical and HVAC systems and opening the fire engine bay’s original front and rear doors to operating condition.

Contributions may be made with PayPal or any valid credit or debit card. If you prefer, send checks made to the Allegany County Historical Society with “First Alarm Fund” in the memo to:
First Alarm Fund c/o Allegany County Historical Society, 218 Washington Street, Cumberland MD 21502.
ACHS is is 501c3 designated non-profit educational organization and your contributions may be tax deductible. Donors to this fund, regardless of gift size, will be listed alphabetically with no amounts listed as First Alarm Founders of the History Discovery Center. To discuss naming opportunities, please call 301-697-9121.
Fill out the form below to donate.